Is it Worth the Money to Hire a Professional Reputation Management Firm?

Is it Worth the Money to Hire a Professional Reputation Management Firm?

Imagine this: you are applying for a new job, one that you are entirely qualified for, and you don’t even receive a call back for an interview after you’ve sent your flawless resume. You wonder how that could even be possible, especially since you thought you had this in the bag. Then, you quickly do a Google search of your name, just to find out that someone with the same exact name was recently convicted of a serious felony.

You start wondering to yourself, “Is this why I didn’t get the job?” There’s a good chance that the answer is yes, even though you had nothing to do with the felonious acts and you don’t have any relation to the person that committed the crimes. It’s entirely unfair, but surprisingly, it happens.

If you would have invested some cash in a reputation management service before applying to that job, this might not have been an issue and you could be sitting in your spacious city view office instead of wondering about your next paycheck. The question on whether or not it’s worth it to hire a professional reputation management firm has just been answered… Yes, it is 100% worth it.

Reputation Management for Individuals vs Companies

The scenario described above has to do with individual – or personal – reputation management. Although that situation is unlikely to happen, it is completely possible. Hiring reputation management professionals for yourself as an individual is not nearly as crucial as it is for small businesses and major companies.

With a company, there is so much more involved in reputation management. If your business has a bad rep or no rep at all, you’re basically setting yourself up for failure. In the 21st century, there are so many resources available to consumers. This complete access to information is a beautiful thing, but it also poses some threats to companies that aren’t focused on keeping things positive.

They can read about your company and its products/services on a number of sites like Google, Yelp, and Glassdoor. They also have complete access to hundreds of reviews from past customers. This could be either a good or bad thing, depending on the nature of the reviews and your overall image. If you’re trying to run a large company or attempting to experience growth, investing in reputation management is a must.

DIY Reputation Management for Individuals

If you’re searching for reputation management for your own personal image, it is entirely possible to start focusing on your professional reputation on your own. You can start by setting up Google alerts for your name. Any time your name appears on Google, you’ll receive instant notification to see what is being said about you. Next, it is time to start focusing more on your social media profiles, as well as your professional online profiles like LinkedIn. Don’t underestimate the power of social media; if you’re being considered for a job, the recruiter/employer will take a look into you by visiting your social media pages.

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