Why Mental Health Matters For Everyone

Why Mental Health Matters For Everyone

When talking about health, your physical health might be the first thing to come to mind. You might think about your overall fitness, any sicknesses you’ve had recently, and how healthy your diet is. Undeniably, physical wellness is vital for a healthier and happier life. 

However, you should give your mental health as much importance as your physical health. As the World Health Organization (WHO) aptly puts it, ‘There is no health without mental health.’ Therefore, it’s best to consider your mental well-being along with your physical wellness. 

You might not realize it, but the truth is that your mental health plays a crucial role in your overall wellness. How you see life and respond to it depends on the state of your emotional health, which is in sync with your mental wellness. 

No wonder groups and personalities promoting mental health awareness have been on the rise, like Dan’s Plumbing who are asking that really important question in a conscious effort to check in with family, friends, and other people they encounter. And the critical question is: Are you okay?

Here are four reasons why mental health matters for everyone.

  1.  Your Mental Health Affects Your Physical Health

The truth is that your mind and body work together and are connected. For instance, depression and stress could take a toll on your physical health. 

According to research, anxiety can weaken one’s immune system. Too much stress can affect your body’s defense mechanism, making you more susceptible to viruses, bacteria, and other infections. 

Additionally, anxiety can cause your body to release more stress hormones, speeding up your heart rate, causing shortness of breath, and elevating your blood sugar. When left unchecked, prolonged stress can also affect your muscles, blood vessels, and heart health

Some people resort to drugs and alcohol to cope with stress and anxiety. However, these coping mechanisms can lead to self-destructive behavior affecting one’s physical health. 

  1. Your Mental Health Affects Your Behavior

If you know someone whose mental health is currently challenged, you might notice how their behavior differs from those who aren’t in the same boat.  

Depression and anxiety can affect how people respond to things that come their way. For example, a person experiencing depression might be more aloof and suspicious. They also find it difficult to trust other people. Not to mention that some tend to push people away, as depression could cause one to think that no one is there for them and the world is simply unfair to them. 

When this happens, they could potentially push opportunities away.

depressed woman sitting head in hands in the dark bedroom
  1. Your Mental Health Affects Your Thinking

Have you ever experienced thinking about something so profoundly that you tend to forget everything else? 

That’s the most basic illustration for people experiencing mental health challenges. Because one is greatly affected by this specific stress, other things in life just fade into the background. This shows how mental health can affect the thought process of a person. 

Conversely, when your mental health is stable, you’ll be able to think clearly. You’re more capable of making a good decision by weighing the crucial factors instead of just focusing on one. 

  1. Your Mental Health Determines How You See Life

Your mental health significantly affects how you see life, influencing your decisions for the future. 

When people face mental health challenges, they tend to feel hopeless, worthless, and fearful. This could lead to a loss of interest in life. The once very enthusiastic person could be the most miserable and coldest when depression takes hold. 

According to the American Association of Suicidology, a person suffering from depression and anxiety is 25 times more susceptible to suicidal thoughts than the general population. 

On the other hand, when we are mentally healthy, we can enjoy our life, doing the things that make us happy and being with loved ones. It also makes us more resilient in coping with challenges and tough times. 


Indeed, it’s essential to give due importance to your mental well-being. You may not realize it, but your emotional and mental wellness plays a significant role in helping you live a healthier, happier, and longer life. 

Stress and anxiety can affect your physical health. Not only does it lower your immunity, but it may also cause you to resort to harmful coping methods, like taking drugs or alcohol. 

Your mental stability also affects how you act, see, and respond to life. Therefore, we should be more mindful of nurturing our mental health.

Another important thing to keep in mind is not to neglect treatment. You might think that it’s something to be ashamed of, but seeking the help of professionals is essential to thrive and win your mental health battle. You’re not alone, and taking action to be better is your first step to a happier and healthier life. 

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