Using an Accessibility Overlay To Make Your Website More Accessible

Using an Accessibility Overlay To Make Your Website More Accessible

Making a website accessible can be a challenge. There are so many different elements that need to be considered, from the text size and color to the layout and design. But one way to make your website more accessible is by using an accessibility overlay. An overlay is a transparent layer that sits on top of your website, and it can be used to improve readability, contrast, and navigation.

How to Add an Accessibility Overlay to Your Website

There are a few different ways to add an overlay to your website. You can use a plugin or extension or add the code directly to your site. For example, using WordPress, a few accessibility plugins will add an overlay to your site. The Accessibility Widget is one option, and it’s free. It adds a toolbar to your site that allows visitors to adjust the font size, contrast, and other settings.

Another option is the Accessibility Toolbar, which is a paid plugin. It includes more features than the Accessibility Widget, such as changing the text direction and highlighting links.

If you’re not using WordPress or want to add the code directly to your site, there are a few different options. The a11yproject has a couple of different overlays that you can use. One is the Simple Accessibility Overlay, which is a basic overlay that adds a toolbar with font size and contrast controls. The other is the Advanced Accessibility Overlay, including additional features such as link highlighting and a focus indicator.

You can also find a few different overlays on GitHub. One is the Accessible Image Overlay, an image overlay designed to be used with screen readers. Another is the Accessible Modal Window, a modal window that can provide more information about a website element.

Testing Your New Accessibility Overlay

Once you’ve added an accessibility overlay to your site, it’s important to test it to ensure it’s working properly. One way to do this is to use a screen reader. If you’re using the Accessibility Toolbar plugin, you can enable the screen reader by going to the Settings tab and clicking on the “Enable Screen Reader” checkbox.

Once the screen reader is enabled, you can test your website by clicking on the toolbar buttons. The buttons will read out the button’s name and the current setting. You can also test your website by pressing the Tab key. The Tab key will move the focus from one element to the next, and you can use it to test the focus indicator.

You can also test your website by using a contrast checker. There are a few different contrast checkers that you can use, but one of the best is the Color Contrast Analyzer. This tool will allow you to enter your website’s foreground and background colors, and it will tell you if the contrast is adequate.


Adding an accessibility overlay to your website can be a great way to make it more accessible for all visitors. By using a plugin or extension or adding the code directly to your site, you can improve your website’s readability, contrast, and navigation.

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