The Benefits Of WCAG 2.0 Compliance For Businesses - accessiBe

The Benefits Of WCAG 2.0 Compliance For Businesses – accessiBe

The benefits of WCAG 2.0 compliance for businesses have been well-documented in recent years, but this doesn’t mean that it’s an easy task to undertake. This is why companies like accessiBe and others have sprung up recently. Many companies and organizations struggle with understanding how accessibility is the new normal when developing a website or app from scratch. It can be difficult to find the resources you need to get started, but luckily there are plenty of benefits that come with WCAG 2.0 compliance that make it worth the effort.

Some of the most notable benefits include:

Improved Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

One of the main goals of WCAG 2.0 is to improve the accessibility of websites and apps for people with disabilities. However, this also has the effect of making websites and apps more usable for everyone. This is because meeting WCAG 2.0 guidelines improves website usability, which can improve a website’s search engine ranking.

Increased Visibility and Reach

A website or app that meets WCAG 2.0 compliance is likely to be more visible to a wider range of people, including those with disabilities. This is because WCAG 2.0 compliance ensures that websites and apps can be used by as many people as possible, regardless of their ability. This increased visibility can lead to an increased reach for businesses and increased sales and conversions.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

Customers that can use a website or app without difficulty are more likely to be satisfied with the overall experience. This improved satisfaction can lead to increased customer loyalty and repeat business. In addition, customers that have a positive experience with a company’s website or app are more likely to recommend it to others.

Reduced Legal Risk

Businesses that fail to meet WCAG 2.0 compliance can face legal risks, including fines and lawsuits. By contrast, businesses that meet WCAG 2.0 compliance are less likely to face these legal issues. This is because meeting WCAG 2.0 guidelines demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and shows that a business is taking steps to ensure that its website and app are usable by as many people as possible.

Better Customer Retention

Another benefit of WCAG 2.0 compliance is improved customer retention. This is because customers that can use a website or app without difficulty are more likely to continue using it. In addition, customers that have a positive experience with a company’s website or app are more likely to recommend it to others.

Improved Brand Image

Companies that meet WCAG 2.0 compliance can improve their brand image by demonstrating a commitment to accessibility. This improved brand image can lead to increased sales and conversions and improved customer satisfaction and loyalty.

More Customer Reach

WCAG 2.0 compliance can also lead to increased customer reach. This is because websites and apps that meet WCAG 2.0 guidelines are more likely to be accessible to a wider range of people, including those with disabilities. This increased reach can lead to increased sales and conversions for businesses.

These are just some of the benefits that businesses can enjoy by meeting WCAG 2.0 compliance. Meeting WCAG 2.0 guidelines aren’t always easy, but the benefits make it well worth it.

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