Discovering Twitch dark mode has been one of my favorite simple pleasures of the year. Come find out what it is and how to enable it.

Twitch Dark Mode

Discovering Twitch dark mode or dark theme has been one of my favorite simple pleasures. If you spend as much time on twitch tv as I do, you will understand why. If you are unfamiliar with the Twitch app or Twitch website, it is a streaming platform used mainly by gamers to broadcast their gaming sessions with them commentating. Twitch, one of the prime alternatives to Vimeo, has gained much popularity due to its dark mode. It has quickly become the most popular streaming platform, with gamers, entertainers, and more making Twitch their preferred platform.

What is Dark Mode?

Bright user interfaces can be harsh on the eyes, so we have a dark mode. It replaces white backgrounds in an operating system’s interfaces or an app with a dark color.

Why Does Dark Mode Exist?

We already mentioned that dark mode exists to prevent strain on your eyes caused by bright backgrounds. Some people also just read better on a dark background.

Newer screens such as AMOLED and OLED screens can produce a near-true black. The screen turns off portions of the display to show a dark black. A true dark black on an OLED screen saves battery. Battery life on the Twitch app means everything as the constant internet and video streaming kills the battery.

Another good reason to enable dark mode is that it reduces the glare you experience on the screen. Lights above you or the sun have less effect, making viewing the phone easier.

While your phone might have an obvious way to turn on dark mode from the top menu. However, not every app is as easy as Twitch to turn on dark mode. Not every app has a dark mode, either.

Turning on Twitch Dark Mode

With the Twitch app being one of the most popular streaming apps and platforms globally, it isn’t surprising that it supports dark mode. Are you wondering how to enable dark mode on Twitch tv? Don’t worry. We will teach you how to turn the dark theme on.

On the Twitch Website

Twitch is more than just an app. On the twitch website, you can stream your favorite users also. Enabling dark mode on your computer is very easy.

First, log into your web browser, and click on the profile icon. It will be in the top right corner. One of the options under the menu that drops down is Dark Mode. This will change the whole appearance of the website while leaving the layout the same.

Make sure you are using your software’s most recent browser updates. If you use an old browser, the website may not display correctly in dark mode.

On Twitch APP

After downloading and logging into the Twitch app on your mobile device, you will want to click on the profile icon in the top right corner. You will want to enter the settings menu and click on the option to enable Dark Mode. This method for turning on the dark mode will work with the Android and iOS twitch apps. The apps are very similar to each other.

Activating dark mode on the Twitch app is not hard. It is a simple button on the top right under the profile icon on both the twitch app and the twitch website.

The dark mode is one of the most demanded features on devices worldwide. Twitch tv listened to its users and implemented dark mode. Not every app has a dark mode yet. From those that do, not all of them are as easy to enable as Twitch has made it.

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