Save Energy and Money With Solar Panels

The Benefits of Solar Panels for Your Home

From your refrigerator to your cell phone, everything is powered by electricity which adds to your energy bill. Energy prices are constantly fluctuating based on the time of year, where you live, and whether you are using it for residential or commercial purposes.

As a consumer, you are at the whim of these ever-changing prices which can make it hard to save money or budget accordingly. Luckily, by using solar electricity, there is a way to reduce your carbon footprint without breaking the bank.

See why investing in solar panels for your home can save energy while also saving you money!

How Do Solar Panels Work?

Solar panels are a great alternative energy source because they capture the radiant energy from the sun to power your home. Solar panels are good ways to save energy because they are a reliable energy source that does not produce carbon dioxide.

Photovoltaic solar panels convert sunlight into electricity by using small cells to generate an energy-producing electric field. These cells are then grouped together in solar panels of different sizes to accommodate each home’s unique energy needs.

When you have solar panels, you can create enough energy to power your home, and the additional energy goes back into the residential power grid.

Net metering is the process that utility companies use to gauge how much power is bought by customers through installing and using a device called a bi-directional meter. That percentage is then subtracted by the excess power their solar panels have generated and put back into the grid.

Rising Energy Prices

In fact, residential electricity prices in the United States are expected to increase by 2.8% this year, especially with the rise in natural gas prices.

After the financial upheaval of last year, it’s important to find ways to save money and save energy at home.

Did you know that spending only $10 extra a day on things like coffee, lunch, or unused subscriptions can end up costing you big time? That $10 a day quickly becomes $100 a month and $2600 a year.  Now, imagine how much money you “waste” each day, by not using energy-saving tactics.

While switching out incandescent light bulbs for LEDs or adding power strips can help slightly reduce your energy consumption, you’ll need something more to make a significant difference.

If you looking for how to save energy at home, it’s time to make the switch to solar energy!

Customized to Your Space

Every space is unique and therefore has unique energy needs. Figuring out the best solar panel system for your lifestyle and budget needs to be customized based on where you live, your energy usage, and other key factors.

This is why hiring a qualified and experienced solar installation company is key.

Solar panels are relatively low maintenance and quite durable. So, with the exception of occasional maintenance every 5-7 years, you don’t need to do much to reap the benefits.

Plus, a quality installation company will even start you with $0 down upfront and have 10-25 year warranties for everything from production to roof penetration to give you peace of mind.


While it’s true that solar panels are an investment, they have become even more financially feasible than ever before thanks to rebates, tax incentives, and even leasing options. They also pay off in the long run, by saving you thousands on energy bills while reducing your carbon footprint.

Unsure of which option is best for you? Compare the two options below.

Owning Vs. Leasing

One of the major reasons to own rather than lease solar panels is that you will get tax benefits. While it may be a higher price upfront, it will pay off in the long run, especially by increasing your property value.

You will start saving energy right away, and you can plan for a major return anywhere from 7-10 years. This depends on the different rebates or tax incentives, such as the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Credits or Solar Renewable Energy Credits, you qualify for.

Unsure if you want to own? Try leasing through a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) or a solar lease, provided by select solar companies with $0 down.

With leasing, you can still significantly save energy and lower your monthly bill without worrying about down payments, maintenance costs, or other issues. They even offer the flexibility to switch to solar ownership at the end of your contract.

Save Energy Resources

There is no denying that fossil fuels are finite and will eventually run out. This is why it’s even more important to make the switch to investing in green, renewable energy sources.

Did you know that solar energy is one of the cleanest renewable energy sources? Since its primary source is sunlight, you don’t need to worry about it running out, like gas or coal.

By using a 1kWh panel over the course of the year, you can prevent hundreds of pounds of coal, CO2, and water from being consumed.

The more that consumers choose to invest in solar, the more state’s electricity profiles show a commitment to green technology. This is the best way to save energy long term.

Make The Switch Today!

Solar power is the sustainable, renewable energy source needed to carry us into the future. Don’t be intimidated by the upfront costs of this investment.

Not only will you be switching to the latest renewable technology, but you will also be adding to your property value, will save energy, and will drastically reduce your energy bills.

So what are you waiting for, go find the top solar installers in your area and start saving money today! For more tips and tricks catch more helpful reads here on our blog.

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