When you are struggling to make ends meet, you might need to cut back on your expenditures, and one of the first expenses to go might be your donations to charity. However, even though this is necessary to balance your finances, you might still feel guilty about having to stop donating to your favorite cause. If this is the case, here is what you can do if you are struggling to make your usual number of donations.
Donate Online
Donating online is one of the quickest and simplest ways that you can donate, and it can take a lot of the financial repercussions out of the equation. No longer will you have to use fuel or pay an entry fee to attend an event, nor will you have to pay third-party administration fees. All you will need to do is to donate what you are able to on your debit or credit card and fill in a simple online form that includes information such as what you are happy for your money to be used for. Not only this, but online donations are tax-deductible, which can take some of the strain off the end of the tax year. Many charities allow this type of donation, so it is easy to find a cause you support.
Volunteer Instead
If you cannot afford to continue donating to charity and can certainly not do this on a regular basis, you should consider volunteering your time instead. Your time is sometimes even more valuable than what is in your bank account and can allow you to make a worthwhile contribution to a cause without spending a penny. This means that you should look around for volunteering opportunities near you, with there being many websites online that can give you this information. Once you have done this, you should assess your skills and your commitment level and see what types of openings could potentially suit you. By doing this, you will be able to come away feeling good about yourself.
Donate Small Amounts
You do not always have to donate massive amounts to a charity. Instead, you can simply contribute small amounts that will go a long way and be appreciated by the charity in question. After all, if everyone paid in a few cents each month, these would all add up. The best way to pay small amounts of money is to put your spare change in a collection tin or to round up your purchases when you are paying by card. This will allow you to donate to charity without even noticing it.
Be Generally Charitable
You do not need to donate to a charity to be a charitable person, though, and this costs no money at all. Being a charitable person might include helping your loved ones and strangers with chores and tasks, visiting lonely people, or being generous with those around you. Being charitable can even boost your self-esteem and help you to feel better in your own skin.