Are you suffering from a group of conditions characterized by memory loss and judgment? Read our guide to get an answer to the question: what is dementia?

What Is Dementia? A Complete Guide

Are you wondering what is dementia and should I be concerned about myself or a loved one? If you or someone you love is becoming increasingly forgetful as they age, especially if they are over the age of 65, it is best to learn more about dementia as well as the symptoms. This will make it easier for you to detect so that you can get a dementia consultation. 

To learn more about a dementia diagnosis, symptoms, and possible treatment options, keep reading. Learn some of the basics of this complicated illness to prepare yourself or assist your loved one. 

Dementia Symptoms

Dementia is an illness that can have several symptoms that are the result of damage to the brain. If you have dementia in your family history, there are some warning signs you should look out for. The main sign is memory loss. 

If someone is experiencing memory loss, they may seem to remember past events much more easily than recent ones. They may also experience trouble thinking or reasoning which may show up if they have difficulty following certain conversations or following a television program. The effects of this memory loss may cause them to become anxious, angry, depressed, or confused, even when their surroundings should be familiar to them.

Dementia Diagnosis 

If you or a loved one is exhibiting some of the signs of dementia, take them to a GP to get an examination. If one tests negative for dementia, this can help to reassure them and their loved ones. If someone tests positive for dementia an early diagnosis can help one get the support and treatment they need. 

It’s important to see a professional as soon as signs of dementia are suspected as it can give you and your loved ones some valuable time to adjust and prepare for the future

Stages of Dementia 

There are typical stages of decline that those with dementia experience. However, each case may vary depending on the area of the brain that is affected and other various factors. In some cases, the first stage starts with a diagnosis although the patient may show no signs of impairment or at least very little. 

Some experience a very mild decline and while there may be slight changes in their behaviors and abilities, they are still able to live independently. You may notice that one is having more and more difficulty with their reasoning and thinking abilities over time. You may find that they are repeating themselves or are having a hard time remembering recent events. 

If you or a loved one are in need of assistance, consider Rare Dementia Support

What is Dementia? Your Questions Answered 

No longer wonder “what is dementia?” and instead do some additional research to figure out if you should be concerned for yourself or for a loved one. Get the care you or someone else needs as soon as possible for the best results and to allow time for preparation.  

For related information, head to the “Health” section of our site today. 

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