Are there any differences between distilled vs. filtered water? Let's dive in and find out by reading the following facts below!

What Are the Differences Between Distilled vs. Filtered Water

In the US alone, it’s estimated that people drink more than 2 billion gallons of bottled water every year.

While you may think it is as simple as grabbing the first bottle of the shelf, it is a little bit more complex than that. But surely water is water – right? 

Enter the distilled vs. filtered water debate. Which is better, and what is the difference between the two?

If you have been wondering why chose one or the other, keep reading. We are about to answer this question for you.

Distilled Water

Distilled water goes through a very specific process when treated.  First, the water is boiled to create steam, which creates condensation. This then cools in a separate container and the distilled water is collected. 

During this process, all contaminants are boiled out of the water, but it also removes minerals, salts, and metals. While this means distilled water is very clean water, many people do not drink it because of the lack of taste or “flat” taste. It is more often used in science labs but is available for purchase as drinking water.

Drinking Only Distilled 

It is not recommended that you drink only distilled water. While the distillation process removes the potentially harmful elements, it also takes with it all the beneficial nutrients. It may also contain traces of chemical cleaning products used to keep the distillation container clean, and which can potentially contaminate the water.

Filtered Water

All water that will end up for human use goes through a basic filtration process. Filtered, bottled water must meet the standards set out by the U.S Environmental Protection Agency, and this involves a specialized filtration process. There are a few common filtration processes that are used

  • Reverse osmosis is filtering through a fine filter with high pressure 
  • Water softeners are used to remove hard minerals from the water – great for appliances
  • Water filters like reverse osmosis but with larger pores

Purified Water

If water is especially well filtered, it pops into the “purified” category. This means that the ratio of contaminants is less than 10 parts per million. The advantage of purified water is that it retained the dissolved oxygen, giving it a little more “life” than boiled water. 

Distilled vs. Filtered Water

Distilled and filtered water is not the same thing. While both give you clean water, you will still choose based on which you prefer the taste of! You can also buy refrigerator water filters for your home so that you can filter your water a second time if you are concerned. 

Water Choice

So, to answer the distilled vs. filtered water question – filtered water still contains the nutrients while distilled water doesn’t. It is as simple as that. As recommended, don’t drink only distilled water to stay hydrated. Mix it up a little, and choose the taste you prefer. 

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