Make the right choices when cooking in the kitchen. Discover everything you need to know about the differences between sesame oil vs olive oil.

Sesame Oil vs Olive Oil: Everything You Need to Know

So you’re headed to the grocery store and you’re on the fence between extra-virgin olive oil and sesame oil. But you’re not sure which to choose.

More times than not we’re able to grab whatever it is that we need, but grocery shopping has a way of making it a bit too complicated. Choosing which oils to buy at the store can be just as difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.

Today, we’ll talk about comparing two different oils: sesame oil vs olive oil.

What Is Sesame Oil?

Sesame oil is a vegetable oil pressed from the seeds of sesame plants (Sesamum indicum). It has a mild, nutty flavor and is used in cooking and as a health supplement. It’s a popular cooking oil in many parts of Asia and is gaining popularity in Western countries.

In addition to being a beneficial oil, sesame oil has several unique uses. It’s often used as a flavor enhancer in many Asian dishes, from stir-fries to dressings. It’s also a popular massage oil because it absorbs quickly and doesn’t leave a heavy residue.

Finally, sesame oil can even be used to treat some pesticide-damaged crops! It is a versatile and nutritious cooking and health supplement that’s far more than a kitchen staple.

What Is Olive Oil?

Olive oil has been used in cooking for centuries, and today, it is a staple ingredient in kitchens worldwide. Olive oil is made from pressing ripe olives, which contain both oil and fat. The oil is extracted from the crushing of olives, filtered, and bottled as extra virgin olive oil.

Olive oil is high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and promote health. It is also a great source of polyphenols, which are thought to lower high cholesterol levels.

Heraclea Olive Oil, for example, is one of the finest and most popular brands. It is a high-quality extra virgin olive oil made from selected olives. They are a tasty, versatile, and nutritious option for everyone, whether they get used to finishing a dish or creating a delicious dressing. Knowing where your choice of oil comes from and how to choose the right quality is key to getting the most out of this protean oil.

The Benefits

The benefits of sesame oil provide numerous to one’s diet and well-being. Its high antioxidant content aids in reducing inflammation. Its high vitamin E content helps to repair damaged skin cells and boost collagen production.

It may also help reduce inflammation, which can help improve the symptoms of some chronic illnesses. Sesame oil is considered healthy due to its high fatty acid content, which aids in heart health and boosts good cholesterol levels.

Olive oil is another popular choice for health and wellness, as it offers similar benefits. It contains polyunsaturated fats, which help reduce the risk of heart disease. Olive oil is also high in Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which can help maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Both sesame and olive oil benefit one’s health and offer great flavor to recipes.

The Price of Sesame Oil vs Olive Oil

Both sesame and olive oil are widely used in many cultures worldwide. In terms of price, sesame oil is often more expensive than olive oil. The price differences between the two oils can vary greatly depending on the quality and brand of the oil.

A 16-ounce bottle of sesame oil can cost from $8 to $13, while a 16-ounce bottle of extra virgin olive oil can cost anywhere from $5 to $10. So, if you’re looking for an oil that comes at a cheaper price point, olive oil would be the better choice.

Smoke Point

When it comes to cooking, the selection of oil is crucial. Two of the recommended options are olive and sesame oil, but deciding which can be confusing. The most significant difference between these oils is their smoke point.

The temperature at which a fat or oil begins to break down and produce smoke. Olive oil has a higher smoke point than sesame oil, making it more versatile as it can withstand higher temperatures before burning. Olive oil also has a mild flavor and aroma, which can be appealing in dressings and marinades.

However, sesame oil’s lower smoke point means it’s better suited for dishes that require lower cooking temperatures. Its distinct flavor makes it a great choice for Asian-style dishes. Ultimately, the choice between these two oils is a matter of personal preference and depends on the dish you are making.

Best Uses 

When deciding between sesame or olive oil, the best use depends on what you’re cooking or baking. Sesame oil has a strong, slightly nutty flavor and is excellent for preparing and seasoning stir-fry dishes.

On the other hand, olive oil is great for salads, sautéing vegetables, and baking. Extra-virgin olive oil is perfect for breads and pastries, amplifying their flavor and delivering a delicious aroma. Sesame oil has a higher smoke point (410°F) than olive oil (375°F), so it effectively withstands higher cooking temperatures.

Olive oil has more of a neutral taste, making it great for light dipping sauces. If you’re looking for a healthy and flavorful cooking alternative, sesame oil is an excellent choice due to its high levels of healthy fats and antioxidants.

Olive oil is also low in saturated fat, which makes it a great choice for baking and cooking. Ultimately, the best oil culinary uses depends on the type of food you’re cooking or baking.


Sesame oil and olive oil market share is growing widely across the globe. Availability is an essential factor in choosing between these two oils. Olive oil is readily available in any grocery store as it is a popular cooking oil.

Sesame oil has been used in many traditional and gourmet dishes but is not as commonly seen outside specialty stores or ethnic markets. It may take some searching to locate, but the efforts are well-rewarded as sesame oil adds a unique flavor to recipes.

For convenience, olive oil can easily be picked up in a store, while sesame oil requires more effort. Still, it can be worth the search if you want to try something new with a tasty flavor.

Make the Right Decision for Your Dishes

Sesame and olive oil are excellent sources of healthy fats. Sesame oil contains more polyunsaturated fats, while olive oil is richer in monounsaturated fats. Choosing between the two depends on personal preference, as each offers unique benefits.

By following this guide to sesame oil vs olive oil, you make the right decision for your dishes.

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