How to clean my phone speaker: Your phone speaker can get dirty over time. Do you want to know how to clean your phone speaker? Read on to learn more.

How To Clean My Phone Speaker

Did you know that more than 97 percent of people in the United States of America own a cell phone of some kind as of 2022? Cell phones have changed the ways in which people go about their lives, from how they get from one place to another to how they listen to music.

When it comes to watching shows and listening to music, nothing is worse than discovering that you need to clean your phone speaker. There are a number of things that can go wrong if you don’t learn how to clean my phone speaker the right way.

The good news is that you’ve found the right phone speaker cleaning guide to learn how to get your phone speaker sounding brand new. Keep reading this article to learn more!

Supplies That You’ll Need

Before you start to learn how to clean my phone speaker, you’ll need to make sure that you have some particular supplies on hand. The piece of equipment that is handling most of the labor is a soft-bristled toothbrush. You won’t want to risk damaging your speakers, so it’s best to avoid medium or hard-bristled toothbrushes.

You also need to make sure that you have some quality dish soap ready to go, as well as two paper or microfiber towels. Once you’ve bought or gathered up your supplies, you can start using these phone speaker cleaning tips.

Clean Your Hands

The first thing that you’ll want to do when you start to clean your phone speaker is to wash your hands and dry them thoroughly. It’s possible that you have dirt particles on your hands, and a failure to clean them prior to cleaning your speakers could result in more dirt in them.

Once you’ve finished cleaning your hands, you’ll be good to turn off your device. You don’t want to risk causing damage to your phone during the cleaning process due to the device being on.

Grab Your Toothbrush

It’s a good idea to purchase a soft-bristled toothbrush for this DIY phone speaker cleaning project. You could also use an old toothbrush that is clean for the task if you have one on hand and you want to save money.

Children’s toothbrushes are also great options if you have one to spare. They have softer bristles than adult toothbrushes, making them more suitable for the task at hand.

Avoid rubbing the speakers in a harsh manner, as that could push the particles that you’re attempting to remove deeper into your phone speaker. You could also accidentally push the bristles deep into the speaker, which will cause damage and change the sound when you listen to songs and make calls.

You don’t want to hate watching the movies and songs that you download. You can check out this helpful guide to make the most of your phone.

Wipe Your Phone Speakers

A big step in learning how to clean my phone speaker is learning when and how to wipe the speakers during the cleaning process. Once you’ve finished scrubbing the speakers with the toothbrush, shake the phone to loosen any particles that remain. After you’ve taken care of that task, you’ll want to wipe the debris and dust away.

Make sure that there are no dust particles left on the phone before you move forward with cleaning. Your best resource for this step is a damp microfiber or paper towel. If you want to take the cleaning to a new level, you can consider adding a drop of dish soap to the damp towel.

The worst thing that you can do during this step is to make the mistake of wiping your phone off with a towel that is too wet. You’re asking to break more than your phone speakers if you make this mistake, as it could fry the hardware in your phone. Squeeze out the towel that you’re using before you wipe away the debris and move on with cleaning your phone speaker.

Dry Your Phone

The final thing you’ll want to do during the cleaning process is dry your phone with a dry microfiber or paper towel. This is meant to remove any leftover moisture from when you clean your phone speakers.

Your phone should look and sound brand new after you’re finished and you’ve turned it back on.

Tips for Maintaining Phone Speaker Audio

One of the best things you can do if you’re seeking to keep your phone speaker audio in great condition is to keep your phone out of humid environments. Bathrooms are often major culprits when it comes to audio issues in modern cell phones.

It doesn’t take much moisture in the air for it to get into the phone speakers and degrade the sound quality. You’ll know that there is an issue when you start to hear a hollow, tinny sound when on calls or while listening to music.

The best approach to prevent damage from moisture is to use a lint-free cloth. Taking this step on a consistent basis will keep debris from building up and stop moisture from getting deeper into your phone.

You should also look into getting a phone case if you’re worried about making your current phone last for a while. There are plenty of great phones that provide both shock protection and waterproof properties to keep your phone looking brand-new until you’re ready to upgrade.

Now You Know How to Clean My Phone Speaker

Learning how to clean my phone speaker is an important step to take if you want to make the latest, greatest smartphone sound and look as it did when you first got it.

Avoid using too much moisture when wiping the phone clean of debris, and be patient and gentle when scrubbing the phone speaker with the toothbrush. Most of all, consider getting a phone case to protect your speakers.

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