Have you ever asked yourself the question: how much does inpatient rehab cost? Read on to learn what going to a rehab center will cost you.

How Much Does Inpatient Rehab Cost?

The WHO estimates there are 2.4 billion people needing rehab services worldwide.

These people suffer from physical, mental, and psychological ills. They need intensive care in an isolated environment to improve their circumstances.

If you’re one of these people, you’re likely wondering, ”How much does inpatient rehab cost, and how can it help me?”. Keep reading our rehab guide for all the details.

What Is Rehab?

In simple terms, rehab means helping someone enjoy life to the best of their ability. There are three main types of rehab available in the USA.

 The first type of inpatient rehabilitation centers on injury and ailments. It’s meant to help patients recover from the after-effects of things like:

Spinal cord defects

Brain injuries


Chronic pain

The second type of rehab focuses on helping people recover from addiction. You can go now to this site for an example of one such facility that provides addiction recovery services.

A third type, criminal rehabilitation, focuses on prisoners. It helps them prepare for a return to society after doing their time.

How Much Does Inpatient Rehab Cost?

Treatment program prices vary according to several factors. These include:

  • Location
  • The type of facility
  • Treatment programs offered
  • Number of patients i.e. exclusivity
  • Treatment length
  • Amenities offered

These are the average costs of rehab based on these factors:

What Does Acute Inpatient Rehab Cost?

A study on neurological treatments estimated rehab costs at around $1,600 per patient per day. The average patient paid $46,000 for their treatment.

These costs comprise room, board, and rehabilitation therapy.

Room and board costs include those things that a rehab center can’t bill directly to insurers. These services include food, recreation, administration, operational costs, and nursing care.

Costs included in the charge for therapy comprise:

  • Salaries for skilled rehabilitation staff
  • Medicines
  • Surgical supplies

Often, these costs are highest during the first week of rehab. They taper off as the patients’ conditions improve.

In severe cases, these costs increased over time.

What Does Addiction Rehab Cost?

Addiction rehab costs vary depending on where you go. These centers may include luxurious resort-style facilities to suit the patients’ preferences.

State-run rehabilitation centers provide free treatment to patients. The most luxurious private rehabs can cost thousands of dollars per day.

A month-long stint at a standard rehab can cost from $5,000 to $20,000. Luxury rehab can set you back between $30,000 – $100,000, or more, for thirty days of treatment.

Like acute rehab, most of these costs hinge on:

  • The standard of board and lodging offered
  • Professional fees
  • Medication

These centers bill medication as a separate charge. That’s because some people don’t need medicines during the recovery process.

Criminal Rehabilitation

The United States Department of Justice offers free reentry programs for prisoners. These programs aim to educate these people about a life free from crime when they return to society.

Breaking Down the Cost of Rehabilitation Services

From the above, it’s clear that medical costs are a predominant factor in the cost of rehab. These costs are highly individualized according to the patient’s needs.

Acute Rehab Services Cost Breakdown

Acute rehab costs vary depending on the level of necessary care. In turn, this hinges on the type of physical problem the patient has.

Patients with debilitating diseases and traumatic injuries need intense multidisciplinary treatment programs. They may also need occupational and speech therapy and consistent medical management.

A physician is on call around the clock to ensure these patients receive the necessary care.

In most cases, a doctor prescribes acute rehabilitation for their patients. People with conditions impacting their ability to care for themselves benefit most from this therapy.

These impairments include:


Immediately after surgery, acute rehabilitation centers on pain control, emotional support, and healing.

The next step involves preparing the patient’s limb for a prosthesis.

A prosthetist works with the patient in a structured, safe environment. These sessions involve educating them on using and caring for their prosthesis.

Skilled occupational and physical therapists work with the patients, too. This helps them learn to cope as well as possible with their new circumstances.

Brain Injuries

Most people suffer from psychological, physical, and cognitive impairments after traumatic brain injury. These patients undergo comprehensive, medically-assisted treatment with neurologists.

There is a strong focus on the individual’s capabilities. Medical professionals use a range of strategies to maximize their potential.

These include compensatory devices and medicinal interventions. As such, a wide range of medical experts works with these patients.

These include:

  • Clinical Neuropsychologists
  • Nutrition Educators
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physical Therapists
  • Recreational Therapist
  • Rehabilitation Nurses
  • Respiratory Therapists
  • Social Work/Case Managers
  • Speech-Language Therapists

This makes brain injury rehab one of the most expensive types of rehab.

Cardiopulmonary Issues

These rehab services work with two kinds of cardiac patients. These are people who have heart disease and those who have recently had cardiac surgery.

They also work with people suffering from emphysema, respiratory failure, or pulmonary fibrosis.

Treatment involves medication, counseling, and physical therapy tailored to the patient’s needs.

Neurological Problems

Those with neurological diagnoses need psychiatric and psychological treatment. They receive up to three hours of therapy daily.

Additional services for these patients include therapeutic recreation and respiratory therapy.

These treatments take place in one-on-one as well as group sessions.

Orthopedic Maladies

Patients who’ve had joint replacements, or suffered orthopedic injuries, need specialized physical therapy.

This helps speed up their recovery and usually lasts only one or two weeks.

Spinal Cord Afflictions

People suffering from spinal cord dysfunction undergo severe cognitive, physical, and psychological impairments.

During rehab, a team of multidisciplinary experts works with the patient. They aim to achieve the best muscle functioning, communication, and mobility possible.

Stroke Rehabilitation Program

Strokes vary widely in severity. There are treatment programs to match every level of affliction.

These treatments include methods to:

  • Limit secondary complications
  • Reduce activity limitations
  • Minimize impairment

In some cases, patients may return to their previous level of functionality. Unfortunately, others never recover to a significant degree.

Sub-Acute Rehabilitation

Sub-acute level care suits those with less severe conditions.

This rehab also involves a mixture of occupation, speech, and physical therapy, but it’s not as intense. These patients often only have an hour or two of treatment daily.

Addiction Rehab Services

Addiction rehabilitation services’ prices are a lot more complex. That’s because they treat diverse afflictions in vastly different settings.

A standard facility offers comfortable rooms, healthy meals in a shared setting, and several group and therapy sessions daily.

A nurse is available to assist patients when necessary, and there is a doctor on call.

Patients undergoing detox may enjoy a private room and ongoing medical supervision. Once they pass this phase, they will usually move on to shared accommodation.

There are few recreational facilities. Leisure time usually involves group activities like watching appropriate movies, walks, and exercise.

Luxury Rehab

Luxury and executive rehab centers offer facilities akin to a five-star hotel. Rooms are large, plush, and private, offering room service and personalized attention.

These extras might seem excessive, but people can focus better on their recovery in a familiar setting.

Many patients who enter these facilities are high-profile people that need privacy, too.

Besides excellent rooms and gourmet dining, these rehab centers offer a host of extra conveniences. These include personal trainers, private nurses, massage therapists, nail technicians, and aestheticians.

These rehabs offer a range of additional advanced therapies, like animal-assisted, music, and art therapies. Most have swimming pools, and many feature tennis courts, spas, and fully equipped gyms.

Executive rehab facilities serve high-profile businesspeople and politicians. These patients can continue working remotely in complete seclusion while undergoing treatment.

How Can I Pay For Inpatient Rehab?

The Affordable Care Act dictates that health insurers must pay for all kinds of rehabilitation. Each insurer usually complies with specific parameters.

California residents can qualify for disability insurance if they suffer from alcoholism or other acute conditions.

Your health insurance might cover all the costs associated with time spent in rehab. They could also limit their contribution to medical care and costs.

As a result, many rehabs offer financial aid or have financing options to cover the rest of the costs. Most rehab centers dictate which health insurance they accept.

Insurance that may cover addiction or acute care includes:

  • Medicare and Medicaid
  • Military insurance
  • Private insurance
  • State-financed health insurance

Free or low-income centers have long waiting lists for funding and admission. In most cases, financing is the best option for those in need of urgent care.

The Real Value of Rehabilitation Services

When considering the question, ‘how much does inpatient rehab cost?’, you should also ask yourself how much it’s worth.

It’s vital to think of this expense as an investment in your future, and not a grudge purchase. Rehab gives you the physical, emotional, and mental strength to live a better life after treatment.

Browse our blog for more information on health-related topics and advice for living a healthier, more inspired life.

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