Kitchen sink backing up on both sides? Explore our expert tips and tricks to swiftly unclog both sides and regain functionality here.

Double Dilemma: How to Handle a Backed-Up Kitchen Sink on Both Sides

If you have a backed up kitchen sink, you have our sympathy. This annoying problem makes it almost impossible to cook, wash dishes, or even use the restroom.

When this happens, it’s tempting to just yank up the sink and try to take care of it yourself. But when you have two sinks in your kitchen, one on either side of the room, it’s tricky to figure out where it’s coming from.

You have just one leaking pipe, but it looks like there’s two clogs. There’s just one leak, yet it seems there are two.

Still, you want to handle the problem as cheaply and easily as possible. So you are trying to do it yourself. Below we offer a few different ways you can handle kitchen sink backing up on both sides.

Why Your Kitchen Sink is Clogged on Both Sides

When your kitchen sink is clogged on both sides, it’s likely due to debris or food particles lodging in the connection pipes near the sink. This blockage will prevent proper water flow, causing a gradual buildup and eventual clog.

It could also be an issue with the garbage disposal unit itself if one is installed. If the blades of the disposal are jammed or corroded, it won’t be able to pass food particles through the system correctly, which can cause both sides of the sink to become clogged.

Your pipes may have a kink or bend in them, prohibiting water from flowing properly. In this case, you may need a plumber to come and fix the problem. Lastly, it’s possible the air vent hole is clogged, which creates pressure buildup in the drainage system and prevents water from flowing. If this is the case, you may need to remove the obstruction to unclog both sides of the sink.

How to Fix a Clog On Both Sides

When attempting to unclog blocked drains, one of the first steps is to spot the problem and then figure out how to fix it. The best way to fix a clog on both sides is to first identify the source of the clog. Right after identifying the source, follow the steps below:

Remove the P-Trap

In this case, the issue is a clogged kitchen sink both sides that would require removing the P-Trap. First, check to make sure that there is no fixable problem with the drain, like a hairball that could be removed. Then, it is time to remove the P-Trap.

This is not the hardest home plumbing repair, but it is important to focus on safety and be aware of the tools needed to do the job. Make sure the water supply is turned off before beginning to remove the P-Trap fittings, and then use a wrench and a towel to loosen any clog in the pipes. Once loose, use a bucket to remove any water from the drain and also to catch any debris. 

Clean the P-Trap

If you’re dealing with a clog on both sides of the P-trap, you’ll want to start by cleaning out the P-trap. This is an important part of the clog removal process. To do this, start by placing a bucket under the P-trap to catch any excess water that may spill out during the process.

Using adjustable pliers, loosen the nuts at either end of the P-trap. Carefully remove it from the drainpipe. Inspect the P-trap for any clogs or build up and use a wire and/or a brush to remove the debris, if present.

Rinse both sides of the P-trap thoroughly to ensure any remaining debris is gone. Reattach the P-trap to the drainpipe and tighten the nuts. You are now free of the clog and able to use your pipes again.

Replace the P-Trap

Replacing the P-trap is the simplest way to fix a clog on both sides of a drain. For this job, you will need to have a set of wrenches (line and basin wrench) and a new P-trap to make the replacement.

Install the new P-trap and tighten the mounting nuts by hand. Reconnect the water supply lines and turn the water back on. Test the P-trap to make sure it is properly installed and that the water runs down the drain without any leaks.

Snake the Drain

To fix a kitchen sink clogged with a snake, start by identifying the location of the clog. Then thread the snake down the drain until you reach the clog. Once the clog is reached, twist the snake clockwise until it grabs the clog and pulls it up.

If the clog is on both sides, you may need to snake the drain from both sides of the pipe. Be sure to only snake as far as the clog, and make sure not to damage the pipes while doing so.

Once the clog is removed, feed the snake back out of the drain and test the water flow. If the clog is still present, repeat the process until the clog is completely gone.

Be sure to take any necessary safety precautions, and use your judgement in all situations. With the correct procedure, fixing a clog with a snake should be an easy task.

Learn How to Fix Kitchen Sink Backing Up on Both Sides

The best way to handle kitchen sink backing up on both sides is to call a plumber and be sure to use a reliable one. Taking on a do-it-yourself method can cause more damage, so why take the risk?

The best solution is hiring a pro to get the job done quickly and correctly. Don’t delay, contact a trustworthy plumber today!

Looking for more tips and ideas? We’ve got you covered. Check out some of our other posts now.

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