When it comes to finding an affordable and effective solution for replacing missing teeth, explore the difference between a dental bridge vs implant.

Dental Bridge vs Implant: What’s the Difference?

One or several missing teeth can become a big part of your life. The feeling of a missing tooth, or the inability to bite on something with the missing tooth, is a burden to those who need a dental procedure.

Whether you’re looking at a dental bridge and a dental implant, or an option between the two, finding the best way to get your teeth back should be a manageable task. When looking at a dental bridge vs implant, it comes down to more than just the monetary value.

Keep reading to find a better understanding of the combination of the two.

Comparing Procedure

When comparing the procedure of a dental bridge vs implant, the main difference is the support they offer for the replacement tooth. A dental bridge is a prosthetic tooth held in place by neighboring natural teeth. The two surrounding teeth are usually filed down, the bridge is cemented onto them, and the replacement tooth is typically held in the middle.

An implant, however, is a titanium metal screw commonly used when there is only one or a few missing teeth. The titanium rod is inserted into the jawbone, and once it is already healed, the replacement tooth is usually secured into place by a prosthetic abutment or post.

Comparing Bone Preservation

Dental bridges and implants provide different advantages when comparing bone preservation. With a bridge, the dentist must heavily grind down the surrounding teeth to support the bridge. It can cause further damage to the jawbone since it no longer has a tooth root to stimulate bone growth.

On the other hand, an implant mimics the structure and function of a natural tooth root and is surgically placed directly into the jawbone. It preserves the existing bone and encourages new bone growth. This of which helps maintain the structure of the jawbone and prevents deterioration.

Considering Adjacent Teeth

The structure of adjacent teeth is the main difference between a dental bridge and an implant. A bridge requires adjacent teeth to be filed down and reshaped to create the abutment teeth that will each serve as the anchors for the bridge.

By contrast, implants do not interfere with adjacent teeth. They are inserted directly into the jaw and become substitutes for the extracted teeth or support the bridge abutments.

Overall, the benefits of dental implants include being the better solution for replacing missing teeth compared to bridges because they do not require any alteration to adjacent teeth.

Comparing the Risk of Success

The risk of success with implants is higher than with bridges as the implant is fused to the natural jawbone, providing a much more secure and permanent restoration. The best outcome is speaking to a qualified dentist to discuss the best solution for you and your lifestyle.

Comparing Aesthetics

Regarding aesthetics, the implant appears more natural than a bridge due to its subtly placed design. The bridge seems false due to the presence of the underlying visible crowns which support it.

Regarding durability, implants are longer lasting than bridges, even though they require regular hygiene care and routine check-ups. Implants provide the closest to natural beauty and require small amounts of maintenance, whereas a bridge requires more work to take care of.

Comparing Longevity

One of the most significant benefits of both of these treatments is the increased longevity they offer. Comparing the two in terms of how long they last can be difficult. It is because it is dependent on many factors.

Generally, a dental bridge has a lifespan of more than ten years. On the other hand, dental implants can last many years or even a lifetime with proper care and maintenance.

Comparing Maintenance

When comparing the maintenance requirements of a dental bridge vs. an implant, both require regular visits to a dentist to ensure proper functioning. The primary difference between maintenance for a bridge and implant maintenance lies in the cleaning process.

It is because gaps between an implant and the gum line require careful root cleaning. It helps to ensure the implant does not become loose.

In contrast, bridgework can be easily brushed and flossed like natural teeth. It is valid as long as any exposed metal is correctly handled. Additionally, bridges should receive equal attention, care, and regular appointments as any natural teeth. It is to avoid food buildup, nighttime grinding of teeth, or increase the likelihood of decay or injury.

Both bridges and implants require diligent attention and should be discussed with the dentist before deciding what is best for an individual.

Comparing Cost

When it comes to cost, there can be a considerable difference between these two. Dental bridges tend to be more cost-effective upfront due to the less intrusive nature of the procedure and the fact that bridges do not require surgery.

On the other hand, implants are usually considered a better long-term investment, as they last many years without needing replacement. Moreover, implants look and feel much more “natural” than bridges, while bridges may be prone to damage from wear or decay.

When it comes to cost, the decision between these two options should be based on factors such as budget, expected longevity, and appearance.

Know the Difference Between Dental Bridges vs Implant

A dental bridge and implant are great long-term solutions to replace missing teeth. Both are reliable and can last a long time with proper care. Ultimately, the choice depends on the patient’s preference and the dentist’s advice.

If you’re considering a bridge or implant for tooth replacement, consult your dentist to find the best solution.

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