
7 Important Tech Tools for Science Career Students

Are you considering studying for a career in science? The good news is that most occupations in this field pay more than the national median wage of $39,000

You’ll need to put in a lot of work to succeed at studies toward these careers though. Good grades in high school are a great start, but you’ll still need to put in many hours of hard work to thrive at college. 

These are some of the tools you need to smooth the way toward a successful science career.

1. Project Management Tools

These handy scheduling tools aren’t reserved for physical projects like construction and event management. You can also use them to manage your study time effectively.

You can use project management tools to keep track of deadlines, milestones, and study objectives. They also come in handy for finding some leisure time for the all-important social aspects of college life. 

Some of the best ones include Trello, myHomework, and Todoist.  

2. Note-Taking Apps

While at college, you’ll soon discover that lecturers and professors wait for nobody. So, unless you enjoy hours of writer’s cramp and trying to decipher hastily-scrawled notes, you need help.

Dictation apps, like Dragon Diction, transfer spoken recordings to your computer, so they’re a boon for students who can’t type fast.

Smart notebooks let you convert your written notes to a digital fit for your computer.

Once you’ve got everything stored safely on your laptop, the next step is to keep it all organized and easily accessible. Evernote and OneNote are ideal for transferring notes between devices. 

3. Tech to Keep You Focused               

Sometimes tech can become more of a distraction than an aid. If you struggle to stay away from the temptations of social media, or unwanted interruptions, help is at hand.

You can get started by setting up a dedicated study area away from distractions, or heading for the library if you’re living at college. Tech-blocking tools like Freedom, Focus, and Cold Turkey will do the rest. 

White noise apps, online guided meditations, and student resources like Chegg Study all help to keep your mind on the task at hand. 

4. Scientific Calculators

Chemistry students need to work out complex calculations involving things like significant numbers, ratios, and more.

This complicated math requires specialized tools. Fortunately, you don’t need to go out and buy an array of scientific calculators. You can find things like a sig fig calculator, ratio calculator, or mass, density, and volume calculator online.

Not only do these applications save you a lot of time and head-scratching frustration, but they also help your slim study budget go a lot further. 

5. Online Research Tools

Skilled research and record-keeping aren’t only something you’ll learn about during your studies. They’re an essential component of ground-breaking scientific work. 

It’s best to become familiar with the correct way to do and record your research from the start. 

MindGenius helps you master the first steps of your research with a host of mind-mapping tools to ensure you begin with the end in mind. 

These are some of the most important online research tools for college students: 

Academic Portals

Don’t rely on a Google search for everything. There are plenty of reputable sources of information for students available online. 

These include:

  • The iSeek search engine for students
  • University of Columbia’s InfoMine
  • Academia and Paperity give you free access to published scientific papers
  • The ResearchGate social network for scientists and students

Legitimate facts and figures are a shortcut to great grades for both chemistry and biology students. 

Online Libraries

You’ll also find a host of academic libraries online.

World Digital Library’s run by UNESCO and the US Library of Congress and gives you access to content about different cultures and non-Western content.

Infoplease is a go-to source of reliable academic information. Experts write all the content published in this online encyclopedia.  

6. Writing Aids

Unless you present your findings in a clear, organized, and easy-to-read manner, all your hard work’s lost. Fortunately, there are several online tools to help you ace every paper.

These include:

  • WordCounter so you know when you’ve reached your word threshold for a paper
  • WritingHouse to easily add a bibliography when needed
  • Zoho for organizing large documents and managing presentations
  • Grammarly to catch those pesky typos
  • Hemmingway, so you can ensure your writing’s crisp and clear
  • Internet Public Library run by students and accomplished researchers

Copyright infringement can get you into hot water at college. Copyscape is an effective online tool to ensure you don’t unwittingly plagiarize someone else’s published work

You’ll also need a word processing program. Microsoft Office is the best-known one, but there are also open-source versions available online like Open Office, LibreOffice, and Google Docs.

Another benefit of Google Docs is that you can share your work with other users. This eliminates the need for moving your docs around on a flash drive or other limited shared drives. 

7. Student Support Services

Both online and traditional colleges offer student support services. These can assist you with study tips and support during your course.

They’ll also put you in touch with fellow students who are a great source of inspiration, advice, and encouragement. 

Making the Most of Your Science Career

Good luck with your first steps towards a science career. Working in this field means you’ll need to stay on top of ongoing education to remain updated with current developments.

Keep browsing our blog where we keep you posted on all the latest tech developments and tools to ensure you stay ahead of the game. 

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