Are you wondering if your blood flow is normal? Check here for five telltale signs that you suffer from poor blood flow and what you can do about it.

5 Signs You Suffer From Poor Blood Flow

Poor circulation is one of the conditions that can lead to (or be caused by) heart disease, something that an estimated 50% of American adults are facing.

Noticing that you have poor blood flow and seeking treatment is an important step towards maintaining your health. Getting regular check-ups is crucial to preventative care.

That being said, there are some signs you may notice that indicate that your blood flow conditions are worsening. What are those signs?

Read on as we discuss five telltale signs that you may be experiencing blood flow problems.

1. Muscle Pain or Weakness

Do you notice that your muscles feel painful or weak when you walk? If this isn’t the result of, say, a recent workout, you’re probably feeling concerned. Muscle pain or weakness that arises during low-impact activities may indicate low blood flow.

2. Pins and Needles Sensations

We’ve all experienced the sensation of a limb “falling asleep” as the result of pressure. When we cut off the blood flow to an extremity like an arm, leg, or foot, this pins and needles sensation indicates that the blood is returning to this area. If you experience that sensation often and for seemingly no reason, you may have low blood flow.

3. Cold or Blue Extremities

Blood flow is an important part of our body’s natural temperature regulation. In fact, cold temperatures actually cause our arteries to constrict, lowering blood flow and leaving our body feeling cold. If your extremities feel cold or turn blue regardless of external temperatures, this means that something internal is disrupting your blood flow.

4. Chest Pain

Chest pain can indicate a wide variety of health conditions, some of them serious. Poor blood flow can cause chest pain because your heart isn’t getting enough oxygen, which is carried through the body by our blood. Because chest pain can indicate a health emergency, contact your doctor or call for emergency medical care when new or unusual chest pain arises.

5. Bulging Veins

Some people with low blood flow will notice that their veins are bulging, particularly in their legs. Incompetent or weakened valves in these veins are constricting blood flow back to the heart. This causes blood to pool in the veins, creating the appearance of bulging.

Poor Blood Flow Solutions

Talk to your doctor about your options for treating poor blood flow. Sound wave therapy is one of the many innovative and non-invasive ways that we can treat conditions related to poor blood flow. Other treatments may include surgery to open blocked arteries, remove a blood clot, and more.

Don’t Neglect Poor Blood Flow

Poor blood flow can cause serious discomfort. It can also indicate the presence of serious health problems. When you notice signs of poor blood flow, be sure to contact your doctor and seek an examination.

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