Do you have a loved one who indulges in illegal drugs?
If so, you might want to know the not-so-obvious signs before they battle with active addiction. Drug addiction is not as easy to spot as you think.
The signs of drug addiction are more well-hidden than those of others. So when discovering a loved one’s battle, you can provide them with your unconditional love and support.
But this does not mean you should give your addicted relative permission to use more freely. Here we’re giving you a heads-up on this issue by giving you a guide on the five significant signs of drugs and alcohol.
Read on to learn how to break the cycle.
1. Neglecting Personal Responsibilities
Individuals with substance abuse problems often put their drug use ahead of their responsibilities, such as not showing up to work on time or not completing essential tasks promptly. They may also blow off family and social engagements.
Recognizing the signs of drug abuse can help the person in need with the help and support they need.
2. Changes in Physical Appearance and Attitude
Signs of physical changes stemming from drug use commonly involve changes in weight, a decline in physical appearance and hygiene, and unpredictable bursts of energy. If a person is struggling with drug addiction, they may appear disheveled or haggard in appearance even when not under the influence of drugs.
They may also have difficulty concentrating, an inability to sleep, or a complete lack of motivation. These are all signs of taking seriously, and proper help should be sought to get the individual help.
3. Frequent Mood swings
When one is addicted to drugs, their moods change suddenly and drastically. A rollercoaster of emotions is a sign that a person is not well.
Drug use can heighten emotions, leading to dramatic shifts in moods. If you believe someone you know is struggling with drug addiction, you must seek help and support.
4. Unexplained Paranoia and Anxiousness
People who suffer from drug addiction often become excessively paranoid and anxious, worrying and ruminating on situations that may or may not happen. They may often become suspicious and untrusting of family, friends, and loved ones.
This feeling of paranoia and anxiousness can cause extreme fear and stress and can often lead to depression and other mental issues as well. If you think someone you love is suffering from an addiction, it is best to seek help from a professional and get them the drug addiction treatment they need.
5. Financial Instability
People addicted to drugs will often struggle to meet their financial obligations. This can manifest in various ways, such as being late on bills, running out of money earlier than expected, and even failing to meet financial commitments or to pay fines or taxes.
If a person’s financial state is becoming increasingly chaotic, it may be indicative of a drug addiction that is spiraling out of control. Families of the addicted should be aware of this sign and see this recovering professional program to help their loved ones.
The Signs of Drug Addiction Are There If You Know Where to Look
Drug addiction can harm various aspects of life. Awareness of the common signs of drug addiction, such as an increase in social isolation and an overall decrease in health and well-being, can help begin a successful and healthier journey in recovery.
If you believe you have a substance abuse disorder, seek medical help and support today!
Check out other blog posts if you have enjoyed learning about common signs of drug addiction.