What do you know about the proper handling of bloodborne pathogens? You can read about it in this brief guide on what you must consider.

3 Essential Tips for How to Handle Bloodborne Pathogens

Do you work in a healthcare setting? If so, you know one of the hazards you face daily is exposure to a bloodborne pathogen. These include diseases such as hepatitis B, HIV, and hepatitis C.

Unfortunately, accidents do happen. Sometimes a needle gets dislodged, or a spill occurs, and blood gets onto your clothing.

But don’t think you’re helpless, and don’t be scared. By following a few simple guidelines, you can keep yourself safe.

Keep reading for some tips on how to handle bloodborne pathogens.

1. Understand What Protective Gear is Properly Used

One should understand what protective gear is required for handling pathogens. A full-body suit should be worn with double gloving, goggles or a face shield, and closed-toe shoes.

In addition, any broken skin should be covered. This is very important before entering an area with potentially disease-causing organisms. It is also essential to avoid contact with the eyes, nose, or mouth when working with blood or body fluids.

2. Be Up-To-Date on All Procedures

Being up-to-date on all procedures involving pathogens is essential for practitioners. When handling pathogens, individuals must stay updated on guidelines, regulations, and practices. Also, educating staff on the proper handling, transport, and disposal of items contaminated with blood or other body fluids is crucial.

Bloodborne pathogens training can help ensure that individuals are knowledgeable. Good knowledge of the policies and procedures about these hazardous materials is quite important.

Getting a bloodborne pathogens certification will be very beneficial as well. You can learn more about how to get MyCPR NOW’s Bloodborne Pathogens Certification here.

Additionally, implementing a standard operating procedure is essential. There must be communication protocols for correct and complete documentation. This can help ensure all staff are on the same page regarding safety protocols.

Finally, having administrative controls reduces the risks of exposure to such pathogens. It also helps ensure proper safety protocols are followed.

3. Use Safe Disposal Practices

When dealing with pathogens, proper and safe disposal practices are essential. This is essential in protecting public health and preventing the spread of infection. Always use disinfectant to clean areas where contact with a contaminated object has occurred.

It is essential to dispose of single-use materials used to treat patients regularly. Switching to fresh, clean gloves before and after contact with a single patient would be best.

Consider using color-coded waste containers for higher-risk materials. Follow all local regulations and protocols when disposing of potentially infectious waste.

Keep Yourself Safe from Bloodborne Pathogens

Handling bloodborne pathogens is an essential skill to have in the healthcare field. By following the safety tips outlined in this article, you can rest assured you are doing your part to keep your patients safe.

Ensure you wear the correct attire. You must properly dispose of all biohazardous material to exercise proper safety protocol. Put your safety first and help keep your patients healthy!

For more helpful tips, check out more of our posts.

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