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10 Steps to a Cleaner Home: A Guide to Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning your home is a critical piece of keeping your space healthy and your family safe. As a busy parent, there’s no question that you have your hands full and your to-do list is long.

Whether you are a professional cleaner or simply want to keep your home clean without the expense of the hourly wages of cleaners, you need to know how to clean your home.

How do you know what to clean? How do you know how to do it?

This article will cover the steps of cleaning your house and an organized plan of cleanup can keep the house tidy on a regular basis.

1. Schedule Time for Deep Cleaning

Schedule the task into small, manageable steps will make the process less daunting. Set aside time. Choose a day or half-day when you can dedicate yourself to deep cleaning. If you can’t do it all in one go, break it up into smaller chunks so you can spread it out over a week.

2. Create a Game Plan

Decide what areas need to be cleaned and in what order you will clean them. You should also consider what cleaning supplies you will need and how often you need to clean each area. For example, some areas may need to be deep cleaned weekly while others only need a quick once over. Creating a game plan will help you stay organized and on track.

3. Assigning Tasks

Assuming you have a family of four, each member can be responsible for a different cleaning task or task. One person can be in charge of sweeping and mopping the floors, while someone else is in charge of cleaning the bathrooms.

Other tasks, such as dusting and vacuuming, can be rotated among family members. By assigning specific tasks to specific people, the cleaning process will be more efficient and less chaotic.

4. Gather Your Supplies

You can’t deep clean your home without the proper supplies. First, you need to gather all of the cleaning products you’ll need. You may need a stronger cleaner for some surfaces, like the bathroom or kitchen. You also need the best all natural cleaners on the market.

Make sure you have the essential tools, like a mop, broom, vacuum, rags, sponges, cleaning solutions, and gloves. You might also need a ladder or step stool to reach high places. 

5. Declutter Each Room

Go through each room and get rid of anything that you no longer need or use. This includes clothes, shoes, toys, books, etc. Donate or sell items that are in good condition and toss anything that is worn out. 

6. Deep Clean One Room From Top to Bottom

Start with the ceiling and work your way down from dusting any fans or light fixtures to clearing Cobwebs. Wipe down all walls, ledges, and baseboards. Clean all windows, inside and out.

Vacuum or sweep all floors, getting into every corner and nook. Dust and polish all furniture. Clean all electronics, wiping down screens and keyboards.

Wash all bedding, including blankets and pillows. Go through every closet and cupboard, decluttering and organizing as you go. Wash all curtains and dust any blinds. Finally, clean all floors one more time.

7. Don’t Forget About the Tough Spots

Don’t forget about high-traffic areas. These areas tend to get dirtier quicker, so make sure to clean them more often. Use a long-handled duster or brush to clean cobwebs and dust from ceiling corners and crown molding.

In the kitchen, start with the stovetop and oven. These areas can be cleaned with a degreaser and a little elbow grease. Clean the coffee maker, toaster, and other small appliances regularly to prevent build-up.

Bathrooms are also one of the most important rooms in our homes, and it is important to keep them clean. Clean the sink, wipe down the mirrors, scrub the toilet, and clean the bathtub or shower.

8. Outside Deep Cleaning

Don’t forget about the outside. Deep cleaning should include both the inside and outside of your home. This means scrubbing your windows, pressure washing your siding and sidewalks, and cleaning out your gutters. 

9. Maintenance For a Cleaner Home All Year Long

First, follow your cleaning schedule and stick to it. Create a cleaning caddy. This will help you keep all of your cleaning supplies in one place and make it easy to grab and go when it’s time to clean. 

Don’t forget the little things. Take care of everyday tasks like wiping down counters and taking out the trash so that your home always looks presentable. Don’t try to do too much at once or you’ll get overwhelmed.

10. Reward Yourself

The reward can be as simple as taking a break from cleaning, buying yourself a new cleaning product, or simply giving yourself a pat on the back. Whatever you do, make sure you take the time to appreciate your hard work and dedication to keeping your home clean.

Cleaning Is a Lifestyle

Always remember that a deep clean home can lead to a more decluttered and productive lifestyle. If you follow these 10 steps, you’ll have a much cleaner home in no time.

If you keep up with a regular cleaning schedule, it won’t be nearly as difficult to maintain. So, what are you waiting for? Get started today and enjoy a clean home for years to come. 

Check out the rest of our blogs where we show you every tool and trick you need to keep your home clean. You’re sure to develop a rigorous routine cleaning after reading them.

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