Whether you've hit a weight loss plateau or you're looking to get rid of that stubborn belly fat, explore effective weight loss strategies.

How to Get Rid of Stubborn Belly Fat

If your fitness goals keep slipping further away and belly fat’s to blame, you’ll want to keep reading.

Stubborn belly fat is just what it sounds like. It won’t budge, no matter how much you exercise. You exhaust all conventional paths to weight loss, no matter how difficult or inhumane they might feel.

You begin to think that this is just the way you’re going to look forever.

But don’t give up. Continue reading and we’ll take you through some of the best ways of losing stomach weight.

Exercise Strategies to Tone and Strengthen Core Muscles

The best type of exercises to incorporate are ab exercises like crunches, planks, side planks, and leg lifts. These exercises target abdominal and oblique muscles that are needed to rid of lose belly fat.

It is also important to perform aerobic exercises. You can go running, jogging, walking, swimming, and biking to burn additional calories and encourage the metabolism. 

Strength training exercises are also important for overall fat loss. Advanced exercises that target the core, such as medicine ball twists, burpees, mountain climbers, and weighted single-leg squats are beneficial for strengthening the core muscles. 

The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Many who practice intermittent fasting report an impressive reduction in stubborn belly fat. This is because intermittent fasting helps reduce insulin levels, which facilitates the breaking down of stored fat. It helps boost the body’s ability to burn calories even when not eating.

To get the most out of it, combine intermittent fasting with a balanced diet and regular exercise. For example, you have to fast for 12-16 hours from dinner to breakfast. And then you have to follow that up with three healthy meals spaced four to five hours apart and include the right mix of protein, fat, and carbohydrate. 

Foods to Avoid That Can Cause Stubborn Belly Fat

Certain foods have been linked with an increase in belly fat, including processed foods and sugary drinks. It is also important to avoid saturated and trans fats, as these can increase your risk of abdominal obesity. 

Weight Loss Supplements to Consider

Caffeine and green tea extract are both popular supplements that can help boost your metabolism. They give you more energy and can aid in more effective fat burning. Additionally, omega-3 fatty acid supplements, such as those derived from fish oil, can help suppress your appetite and decrease food cravings.

Stay Motivated and Celebrate Your Progress

Staying motivated and celebrating your progress is one of the best tips for losing 10 pounds. Start by creating small achievable goals for yourself, write them down, and then track your progress. When you achieve a goal, celebrate your success!

This can be as simple as treating yourself to a decadent dessert, going on a shopping spree with friends, or taking yourself on a mini vacation. At each milestone, take time to appreciate and recognize the progress you are making. 

Explore These Effective Weight Loss Strategies

Weight loss will not happen overnight. And maintaining the motivation to lose that stubborn belly fat can be difficult.

So endeavor to find an activity that you enjoy to help you through the process such as walking, swimming, or jogging. Find foods and supplements that will make your body feel nourished. 

Stay consistent, stay focused, and celebrate the progress you make on your way to achieving the body you have always wanted.

For more great tips and advice, be sure to check out our other blog posts. We have informative content that is sure to help you on your personal journey.

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