Prioritize your digestive wellness during pregnancy with expert advice. Read on to learn how to speed up digestion during pregnancy here.

Healthy Digestion for Expecting Moms: 4 Tips to Accelerate the Process

It’s no secret that being pregnant can be tough on the body. Pregnant women must endure itchy skin, swollen feet and ankles, mood swings, heartburn, constipation, and– most notably– morning sickness.

Fending off pregnancy symptoms is all about staying healthy in mind and body. This often involves working on a solid, healthy diet and exercise routine for obvious reasons.

But how to speed up digestion during pregnancy? Keep reading to learn more. 

1. Eat Smaller, Frequent Meals

During pregnancy, a growing baby puts pressure on the digestive system. This makes it harder for pregnant women to eat big meals. Instead of eating three big meals a day, you might want to try eating five or six smaller, well-balanced meals instead. This can help keep the digestive system from getting too busy, lower the risk of acid reflux, and make you feel less bloated and uncomfortable.

Also, eating more often can help keep blood sugar levels stable and energy levels up all day, which is important during pregnancy when tiredness is a common problem.

For added assurance and comprehensive nutritional support during your pregnancy, you can complement your diet with prenatal vitamins like CitraNatal Assure, which provides essential vitamins and minerals to meet your needs and your baby’s development. 

2. Stay Hydrated

Proper water intake can help aid digestion in pregnancy. Staying hydrated helps soften stools, which makes going to the bathroom easier. It prevents constipation, common during pregnancy due to hormone changes and pressure on the intestines from the growing uterus.

Try to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day. If you find it hard to drink plain water, add fruit slices like lemon or cucumber to make it taste better.

3. Choose High-Fiber Foods

Changes in hormones can slow digestion during pregnancy, making it hard to go to the bathroom. Adding foods with a lot of fiber to your diet can help you have normal bowel movements and solve this problem. Fiber makes stools more solid, making them easier to move through the bowels.

Choose whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and whole wheat bread, which are great sources of fiber and important nutrients.

Include a variety of fruits and veggies in your meals, such as berries, apples, oranges, leafy greens, carrots, and broccoli, because they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber. Also high in fiber and protein are legumes like lentils, chickpeas, and black beans.

4. Exercise Regularly

Regular, low-impact exercise during pregnancy can help with many things, like nutrition. Gentle activities like walking, swimming, and prenatal yoga can help boost the digestive system and relieve common digestion problems during pregnancy, like bloating and indigestion.

Exercise is also good for general health because it improves circulation, lowers stress, and lifts mood. Keeping a healthy weight through regular exercise can help you deal with the weight gain that comes with pregnancy and may lower your risk of gestational diabetes and other problems.

Discover How To Speed Up Digestion During Pregnancy

So, how to speed up digestion during pregnancy? Expecting moms should take extra care of their digestive health. The four tips provided will help accelerate the process from a balanced diet to mindful eating habits. 

Start with these tips, and you’ll be on your way to achieving a healthier and more comfortable digestion process. Consult your doctor to ensure you take the right supplements for the best results.

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