Do you know the difference between crowns vs. veneers? Here's what you need to know to decide which is the best for you.

Crowns vs Veneers: The Main Differences

Have you always dreamed of having straight, white teeth, but the thought frightens you due to the price? Are you trying to find an option to correct the problem you have with your teeth and make them look better, but you can’t afford the cost of getting them straightened traditionally?

In this case, you need to look into cosmetic dental procedures and find one that matches your needs. There are many options for you to choose from. That being said, one of the options for you to fix your crooked teeth is to choose between crowns vs veneers.

Today, we are going to compare the two and help you see which one will benefit you more in your tooth situation.

So, let’s not delay! Let’s dive right into crowns vs veneers!

Crowns vs Veneers: Introduction

Crowns and veneers are both cosmetic dental treatments used to improve the appearance of teeth. The main difference between crowns and veneers is the amount of work they involve and the extent of protection they provide.

Crowns are a type of prosthetic restoration used to cover a tooth that is severely damaged or decayed. Veneers are thin shells of porcelain or composite material that are bonded to the surface of the teeth.

With crowns, the entire surface of the tooth is covered with a custom-made material. Veneers are custom-fitted to the shape, size, and color of the patient’s natural teeth, and only the front surface of each tooth is covered.

Crowns are an invasive procedure that requires the removal of the entire tooth structure, while veneers simply require the removal of a minimal amount of enamel material.

When researching for a “dentist near me,” it’s important to get advice from an experienced and knowledgeable doctor who will be able to determine the best treatment for your individual needs.


The main difference between crowns and veneers is the cost and procedure involved. Crowns are a more cost-effective option for teeth covered by dental insurance, whereas veneers are typically not covered.

Crowns are more costly and invasive than veneers and require the removal of more tooth structures. They are also the more affordable option of the two.

Care and Maintenance

Crowns are much more prone to staining and require additional upkeep, such as brushing and flossing more often. Veneers are not as porous, so they can last much longer with proper brushing and flossing.

With dental crowns, it is recommended to non-abrasive toothpaste as it can wear out the crowns and make them loose much faster. With dental veneers, one will not experience this issue as the material used is much more durable, making it easier and less expensive to care for over time.

Veneers are also much more resistant to staining and discoloration, while crowns are not. In summary, crowns require more extra work to maintain and keep them in optimal condition, while veneers require less maintenance.

Get the Smile You Desire

Dental crowns and veneers effectively treat common dental issues like chips, cracks, broken teeth, discoloration, and gaps, but they are unique in their application and the impact they have on your oral health.

Understanding the differences between crowns vs veneers treatments is essential in selecting the right one for you. Visit your dentist today to go over your options and get the smile you have always desired.

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