Recent surveys have revealed that about 14 million households report seeing cockroaches each year. Although these households don’t always have full-blown roach infestations going on inside them, the mere sight of cockroaches can send shivers up people’s spines and cause a lot of concern.
You have every right to be concerned, too, especially if you ever spot German roaches in your home. A German cockroach infestation could potentially cause big problems in your home if you don’t hire exterminators from a pest control company to take care of it.
You might be tempted to turn a blind eye to a pest problem like this at first and hope it goes away on its own. But if you let German roaches linger, they can multiply quickly and make you wish you had called a pest control company to help you get rid of them sooner.
Here are the top reasons why you shouldn’t ever ignore German roaches living in your home.
They Can Carry Viruses, Bacteria, and Parasites
When you first see German roaches roaming around in your home, they might not appear to be all that dangerous. But these types of roaches are known to carry around so many viruses, bacteria, and parasites as they move from place to place.
These things can cause a variety of health concerns in your home. If German roaches start leaving feces all over the place, you will be exposed to it, and it could lead to health complications like:
- Diarrhea
- Dysentery
- Salmonella
- And more
Bottom line: You don’t want to share living spaces with German roaches. It could have a huge impact on your health and put you, your family, and possibly even your pets in harm’s way.
They Can Cause Asthma Attacks
When you have a whole bunch of German roaches moving around inside your home, they’re going to leave feces all over the place, as we just mentioned. They’re also going to shed their skin at different times and allow this skin to float around in the air in your home.
If you or your fellow family members breathe in any of this feces and/or skin (yuck!), you probably won’t notice that you’re doing it. But it could trigger asthma attacks and make it difficult for you all to breathe.
Young children, in particular, might be extra susceptible to the feces and skin of German roaches as far as asthma attacks are concerned. These asthma attacks might even end up being one of the first signs that you have German roaches living in your home in the first place.
They Can Contaminate Food
If German roaches are able to set up shop in your home, they’re going to try to work on finding food sources right away. It’s why you shouldn’t be too surprised if you spot these roaches congregating in your kitchen.
Ideally, you’ll want to lock up all your food tight at this point so that German roaches aren’t able to get access to it. But even if they aren’t able to get to the food itself, they might contaminate it.
German roaches are known for producing fragrant secretions that can take a toll on the way that foods taste when they’re exposed to these secretions. These foods won’t always have the same flavors they normally would after German roaches have had their way with them.
They Can Do a Lot of Damage
Almost all pests are going to do at least a little bit of damage in your home if they’re able to spend enough time in it. German roaches definitely fall into this category.
While German roaches will spend most of their time focusing on trying to find food, they’ll also chew through things like books, wallpaper, and anything that has starches in them.
The good news is that German roaches won’t always do as much damage to a home as, say, termites. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still contact a pest control company ASAP to kick them to the curb.
They Can Reproduce Quickly and Be Difficult to Kill
Most German roaches are only going to live for about 3 months. This might lead you to believe that, even if you don’t do anything about a German roach infestation, you won’t have to worry about it hanging around for too long.
But this couldn’t be further from the truth. German roaches reproduce about once every 60 days, which means that you’re going to have hundreds, if not thousands, of these roaches living in your home before long if you fail to call on a pest control company for assistance.
German roaches are some of the quickest reproducing roaches around. You should try not to give them too much time to begin reproducing once you see them moving around in your home.
They Can Impact Your Peace of Mind
If nothing else, having German roaches in your home is going to wreak havoc on your peace of mind. You’re going to struggle to sit and watch TV or go to sleep at night in your bed when you know roaches are all around you.
For this reason alone, you shouldn’t hesitate to pick up the phone and reach out to a pest control company. They can make your German cockroach problem a thing of the past in no time.
Don’t Let German Roaches Take Over Your House
It can be difficult, if not impossible, to stop German roaches from entering your home. They’re masters at working their way through even the tiniest openings to break into homes.
But that doesn’t mean you need to just accept the fact that they’re going to be around in your house. You should spring into action at the first sign of German roaches and eradicate them from your home so that you don’t have to deal with the consequences of a roach infestation.
Read through the rest of the articles found on our blog to get more tips on keeping your home safe.