Length conversion and other measurement conversions are necessary, especially for scientific-minded people. Measurement conversions also help us to represent figures in a more natural and easy-to-understand form. However, there are basic conversion rules that you should know to make your conversion calculations simpler.
Firstly, if you want to convert a smaller unit into a larger one, you should divide it. Similarly, if you are converting larger units into smaller units, you are supposed to multiply; for instance, to convert nanometer to meter, you divide. Below are some length conversions a student should know before joining high school.
a) Nautical Miles into Miles
A nautical mile is a common metric used in the measurement of distances in air and water navigation. A nautical mile is slightly longer than a mile on the road and is defined as a movement of one minute of latitude. One nautical mile is approximately 1.15 miles on the ground; therefore, in the conversion of nautical miles to miles, multiply the with 1.15 and, to convert back miles to nautical miles, divide by the same value.
b) Nanometer to Meter
A nanometer is one of the minor units of measurement, but that doesn’t mean that these units are not used in practical cases. One billion nanometers make one meter, so to convert one nanometer to a meter, you divide by 1000000000. And to convert meters to nanometers, you multiply by the same value.
c) Centimeter to Meter
Unlike nanometer to meter conversion, which is likely done in scientific projects, we carry out centimeter-to-meter conversions almost daily in classrooms and at home. Now it’s 100 centimeters, which makes one meter, so to convert centimeters to meters, divide by 100.
d) Meter to Millimeter
Sometimes, due to the high accuracy needed in your measurements or calculations, you may want to express your values in millimeters and not meters. One meter is made up of 1000 millimeters, so you multiply your values in meters by 1000 to get the result in millimeters.
e) Kilometer to Mile
Most people may not be familiar with miles when measuring long distances, so you need to convert miles to kilometers for your measurements to be more realistic. A mile is approximately 1.609344 km, so to convert miles into kilometers, you multiply by 1.609344, the vice versa; you divide by the same value.
f) Kilometer to Meter
Kilometer-to-meter conversions are also so common in our daily lives when sporting, taking field measurements, or even driving on the road. To convert kilometers into meters, multiply the measurements by 1000, and vice versa; you divide by the value.
g) Nautical Mile to Kilometers
You will find nautical mile-to-mile conversions more useful in marine and air navigation than other conversions, such as nanometer to meter, primarily applicable for small measurements. To convert nautical mile to kilometer, multiply the value by 1.852; to convert kilometers back to nautical miles, divide by the same value.
h) Inch to Millimeter
Inches are practical measurement units, especially in buildings and constructions. However, some may not be familiar with inches, so you have to convert them to millimeters. To convert inches to millimeters, multiply the measurements by 25.4.
i) Centimeter to Feet
Feet and centimeters are also very common units for measuring small lengths in our daily activities. Most students are pretty familiar with centimeters. So to convert centimeters to feet, divide the measurement by 30.844.
There are numerous length conversions that a student should know before joining high school. Some of these conversions include; nanometer to meter, nautical miles to miles, centimeter to meter, kilometer to meter, and many more. However, you can use the various online conversion calculators for more accurate conversions.